This website

This blog is about my DIY adventures with two Hammond organs. Not any B3, just some of the cheapest models. But my intention is to take them as high as possible! Of course there will be some "poor mans" Leslie copies as well.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Another organ!

"Hi, I happened to buy one more Hammond organ! Are you coming with me and get it?" So I said to my friend when I had won my second Hammond on eBay within three weeks.  This time it was in Stockholm, about 400 km away. What a bargain! A Hammond L112 at a really good price! I never thought that I could buy a real tonewheel organ within my budget. And a homemade Leslie speaker is already almost constructed in my mind. This organ I certainly will not cut down. No, it will get a nice place in the living room!
Isn´t it one of the best looking models?
Below in Swedish

"Hej! Jag råkade köpa en till hammondorgel! Följer du med mig och hämtar den?" Så sa jag till min kompis när jag hade vunnit min andra Hammond på Tradera  inom tre veckor. Den här gången fanns den i Stockholm, ungefär 400 km bort. Vilket fynd! En Hammond L112 till ett riktigt bra pris! Jag trodde aldrig att jag skulle kunna köpa en riktig tonhjulsorgel inom min budget. Och en hemgjord Leslie-högtalare är ju redan nästan konstruerad i min fantasi. Den här orgeln ska jag minsann inte såga sönder, nej den ska få en fin plats i vardagsrummet!
Maria provspelar

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